Monday, July 18, 2011

Mischief Managed

I decided to name my post in honor of the last movie of the Harry Potter Series. It is sad to see it end, but the last movie was really good. Today I woke up early and had to take red on a walk. When I got home I collapsed on my bed and slept for like four hours. I was so tired. When I woke up I decided to finish ripping up the carpet in my room. It took me about an hour and a half to finish. Even though I'm not done, I feel accomplished. After that, Melena came over and we relived memories. We built a magnetic rollar coaster thing. It was fun but we didn't feel like building another one. Then we rented Beastly from redbox. It was a really good movie and I liked it. Today was a simple day and I wish I would've taken pictures today. Oh well! Maybe I 'll do that tomorrow! Me and Madison are going planking so it should be an interesting day!
Goodbye Harry Potter!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Challenge Accepted!!!

I havn't blogged in a while and that kind of makes me upset but on the upside, I got my puppy!! I have had him for about two weeks now. He is getting along good with Otto and they are the best of friends now. On Friday night I got back from Girls Camp. It was AH-MAZING! I had so much fun and even though it poured the whole time we were there it was really fun. I ate a minnow! I have been waiting so long to do that and I feel so accomplished! Girls Camp was such a spiritual experience and I didn't want to go back to the world. It was like Youth Conference all over again. I think my favorite part was when it was pouring rain and it got really scary outside, and we started to sing hymns. Right after I sang the words I am a child of God, I started crying because the spirit was so strong. I wasn't scared of the storm at all. Like I said It was amazing. On friday I got home at nine and me and madison left at nine twenty to go see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. It was also AH-MAZING! I really enjoyed it but I was falling asleep towards the end because I was so worn out from camp. My misson for this week is to rip up the carpet from the house. It is really ugly and it will be easier to clean. Then maybe next week I want to paint a mural in the kitchen. Just because our house is in foreclosure doesn't mean we can't have fun with it! I'm excited!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'm on the Edge.

Today was a very simple day. I woke up, cleaned the house, and started a vision board. I didn't wake up until one o'clock because I was sooo tired from tubing. When I finally did wake up, I cleaned the house and the front porch to convince my mom to let me have the puppy. I relaxed a little bit, then started my vision board. It's more like a vision/ Things that I like board. So far I really like it. I didn't really do alot today, but I did get to clean the house. Tomorrow my mission is to clean the backyard. My mom said after I clean the backyard we would talk about the puppy! Yay! Here is a picture of my, not even halfway completed, vision board.

It hurts so bad I can hear it! I can hear my ear!

I started off my day by waking up and taking pictures with my dad's camera. It had just rained lightly so I decided to take pictures outside. Some of them turned out blurry but others look really good. This is my favorite. After that I had to go babysit again, but it was only for a few hours. Tonight for youth we had a going away party for Melena and Sister Mann. We started early and went tubing. It was so much fun but I am so sore, and tired. When we got back to the church Melena was going to give me a ride home but we had to wait for Ethan to get out of a meeting. When he finally got out, one of the leaders wanted to talk to his mom. She was going to drive to the other side but the car wouldn't start. Then we had to wait for thier mom to talk to the leader and get the car started with jumper cables. Me and Melena were just sitting in the car and we were both STARVING. I finally got home around 9:30. When my sister got home she wanted to practice some eye make-up on me so I decided to let her. On the left eye she made it look like my eye was still open when it was closed. She kept saying it was creeping her out while she was doing it. On the right eye she did a picture of a sunset and a palmtree. The palmtree wouldn't come off all the way so I guess I'm sleeping with it on!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Well I haven't been keeping up with my goal after two posts. That's pretty sad. Well today I babysat and the kids think I am crazy but they said in a good way. They were good but they kept saying crazy things and calling me Justin Bieber. The four year old told me he didn't like Justin Bieber because he takes all the girls and that he has a stupid haircut. It was an interesting night. Today I also got back from the Watkins house and they have a new puppy that is absolutly adorable!! They don't want it and I want it so bad! I have been trying to convince my mom all day to let me have it. It's a mutt and he is so cute and tiny! I know I could take care of him because I'm responsible. Right? I hope my mom caves in and let's me keep him. (That's right mom I will win!) She will sooner or later, I know it!!I am going to start adding a picture everyday that relates to the post but today I don't have a picture of the puppy. But here is a picture of a cute angry puppy I found off the internet!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Adventures on Monday!

Yesterday afternoon Madison and I set off for a day of adventure. Our first stop was Ikea. Our plan was to take lots of pictures in the store. We had a lot of fun but afterwards we were so tired and hungry.

 On our way!!                           
We made it!!
Baby sink!!
Madison's new boyfriend!
Fun on the escalator.
Takin a quick shower.
Walking on the bridge!
My new hat!
Serving our imaginary guest in our imaginary house!

Cool mirror.
Someone forgot their gum!
On my new computer.
Weird chair.
Staring at that random guy while sitting on the fake toliet.
Gotta Go?
One more shower.
Talkin on the phone!
Dog butt hooks?
Back from Narnia!
Yay! Putting metal in the microwave is fun!
Trying to be a little kid again.
Really? Was that necassary?

After we left Ikea we went to Boyd's LDS Book Store and looked around for a little bit. Then we set off to find food because we were both starving!! Somehow on the way back home we got lost and made a big loop and ended up in Leesburg! In Leesburg we ate at Chilis and finally satisfied our stomachs. When we got back home we collapsed on our beds and took a three hour nap. After my nap I went over to Melena's for about an hour because she had been bored all day.When I got back home we watched The Time Traveler's Wife with mom even though she fell asleep half way through. Over all it was a good frister day and I had fun!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Hello! Happy Father's day! So since I forgot my password for my old blog I created a new one! I am going to try to write on this one a lot more than my old one. That is my goal. So while evryone was doing their own thing I decided I wanted to make something. I was looking up crafts online and found this cute idea!
The craft just said to put googly eyes on it and glue it to a log but I decided to go the extra mile and make him British. I am quite proud of myself. He is so cute! I also just dyed my hair "turquoise" but it looks more like a teal. A lot of people are saying it looks green but they just have hair envy!